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  • We hope that you will consider joining the Brookfield Country Club Homeowners Association. Though mandatory for many years when the neighborhood was created in the 1970s, the time period for Brookfield’s mandatory HOA lapsed and by operation of law it is now a voluntary organization. The modest $200 annual membership dues are the sole source of funds for the maintenance of our entrance monuments, street signs, and other community enhancements. Some accomplishments of the HOA are listed below:  
  • Updated all main entrance monuments.
  • Continued partnership with Flock safety for cameras at our neighborhood entrances.  Fortunately, our crime in BCC is low, but we have the ability capture images of license plates of vehicles entering and leaving the neighborhood and can provide these to authorities if necessary.  
  • Purchased three speed radar cameras for installation in early 2023 which will be utilized to indicate speeds and prime time speeding with the partnership of the Roswell RPD.
  • Continued monthly landscape/maintenance at all entrances - including seasonal flowers, mulch, and pine straw.  BCC has 5 entrances that require monthly maintenance, as well as 20 common areas in cul-de-sacs where we are responsible for pruning and pine straw.  Landscape and maintenance is the single largest cost that the HOA bears each year and critically important to keep our neighborhood looking great.
  • Continued partnership with Georgia Power to replace all wooden light posts with black metal posts and repainted all existing metal posts.   
  • Decorate all entrances for Christmas.  
  • Purchase and hang graduation banners.  
  • Organized and attended multiple meetings with Roswell City Council members and the transportation department to continue to address speeding and cut through traffic on our streets.
  • Welcomed new neighbors to BCC with a small gift and information about the neighborhood.    
  • Continued the Yard of the Month and Home of the month initiative, which recognizes residents for their beautiful landscaping and renovations.  
  • Sponsored the back to school ice cream social 
  • Sponsored the Halloween Golf cart decorating parade 
  • Sponsored the Brookfield Lights up the Holidays contest
  • Sponsored the Brookfield Tour of Homes