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Our Committees

The BCC HOA Board has various committees that work to maintain the beauty of our community, work with the City on public safety issues, and plan fun events for the neighborhood. There is always a need for involvement in these committees. The commitment is not overwhelming–we have busy people who are able to devote a few hours a month to help the neighborhood stay a great place.
If there is a committee you would be interested in serving on, please use the emails below and let us know! You do not have to be a Board member to serve on a committee.
Civic Affairs Committee. The Civic Affairs Committee monitors the legislative activities that can positively or adversely affect the members of the Association. Specifically focused on the Roswell City Council, but may also include the Fulton County governing body, the State legislature or the Atlanta Regional Commission. Members of this committee report back to the Board of Directors on meetings and hearings they attend.
Membership Committee. The Membership Committee maintains a record of all members of the HOA, and all residents not currently members. Members of this committee work on ways to solicit new members and encourage current members.
Communications Committee. The Communications Committee is responsible for getting you the information you need to have a positive HOA member experience. Communications are made through the BCC HOA website, emails, Facebook and monthly newsletter.
Landscape Committee. The Landscape Committee is responsible for the landscaping and maintenance of all entrances and other common areas within the neighborhood. The Committee monitors, on a regular basis, the quality and quantity of service provided and notifies contractors of any concerns.
Maintenance Committee. The Maintenance Committee is responsible for acquiring, installing, repairing and maintenance of all signs and markers within the neighborhood. They are also responsible for the flag staff and the flag at the entrances of Brookfield Country Club, special lighting at the entrances, and watering systems at the entrances and other common areas.
Directory Committee. The Directory Committee is responsible for the development of a residents directory. They work closely with the Membership Committee to ensure a proper listing of residents, as well as, the Communications Committee for the distribution of the final product.
Homeowner Liaison Committee. The Homeowner Liaison Committee is responsible for greeting new residents within a reasonable amount of time following their arrival. They provide new residents with any information that will be helpful in acclimating to the neighborhood and the surrounding area.
Community Enhancement Committee. The Community Enhancement Committee is responsible for activities such as neighborhood wide garage sales, yard of the month recognition, general neighborhood safety, block parties, and activities promoting community pride.